Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Ph.D. Finance, University of Amsterdam, 2007
M.Phil. Economics, University of Cambridge, 2003
Journal Publication
Understanding Internal Capital Markets and Corporate Politics in a Banking Group
Review of Financial Studies, Vol.24(2):358-401 (February 2011)
(with Zacharias Sautner, University of Amsterdam, and Martijn Cremers, Yale)
The Dark Side of Bank Wholesale Funding (with Lev Ratnovski, IMF)
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol.20(2):248-63 (April 2011)
Featured in The Economic Times (Indian national newspaper).
Also see a companion empirical paper Why Are Canadian Banks More Resilient During the Crisis? (IMF Working Paper 09/152)
and VOXEU Column "Why Are Canadian Banks More Resilient? And What Can We Do About Risky Wholesale Funding".
The Real Effect of Bank Branching Deregulation: Comparing Contiguous Counties across U.S. State Borders
Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.87(3): 678-705 (March 2008)
Working paper version: includes a list of U.S. counties used in the study
How do we reconcile the results vis-a-vis Jayaratne and Strahan (1996)?
Tolerance for Uncertainty and the Growth of Informationally Opaque Industries
Journal of Development Economics, Vol.87(2):333-353 (October 2008)
Featured in The Guardian (UK national newspaper) " Lunchers lurch behind lean, mean machine" (March 28, 2005)
Distance and Trade: Disentangling Unfamiliarity Effects and Transport Costs Effects
European Economic Review, Vol.51(1):161-181 (January 2007)
Working Papers
Creditor Control of Free Cash Flow (submitted)
presented at Washington University Corporate Finance Conference (short presentation session), Federal Reserve system conference (Kansas City), Southern Methodist University, Indiana University, Baruch College, University of Western Ontario, Georgia Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, University of Miami
How Committed Are Bank Lines of Credit? Evidence from the Subprime Mortgage Crisis (submitted)
presented at NYU Stern/New York Fed financial intermediation conference, FDIC Annual Banking Conference
The Effect of Monetary Tightening on Local Banks (requested for revision at Journal of Money, Credit and Banking)
Presented at Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Bank of Sweden, Deutsche Bundesbank, Atlanta Fed, San Francisco Fed, and Kansas City Fed.
Work in Progress
Investment, Internal Funding, and the Maturity Structure of Ship Charter Contracts
Product Market Relation Risk and Expected Stock Returns
The Cross-Section of Bank Stock Returns
A Theory of Bankers as Both Salesmen and Risk Managers (with Lev Ratnovski, IMF)
Secured and Unsecured Loans in the Interbank Market