Top banking investors
David H. Ellison (FBR Banking Funds)
Interview with the Barron's (March 2009)
An Investment Advisor magazine article about David Ellison (pdf file)
"The top ten rules to invest by: From a topnotch stock picker"
Comments on subprime issues (PDF file)
Tom Brown (Second Curve Capital) Brown's blog)
National Review articles "Banking on financial stocks" and "The pick of Brown's litter"
International Herald Tribue article "Stocks you can take to the bank"
BusinessWeek article "Hedge fund on the edge" article "Round the second curve"
MarketWatch "Second curve stubmles in early 2007"
James K. Schmidt (retired) (John Hancock Financial Services Fund)
MarketWatch article "Money in the banks"
Nick Adams (First Financial Fund)
The Road Back (Barron's)
IHT article "A must have for the long-term"
Disclaimer: I have no relatoins to the funds and fund managers mentioned above. I have no investments with them.